I had my final attunements today and I can now act as a channel for Reiki. It is a most wonderful experience. I used it today and I was amazed that I could not only feel the flow of energy but I could pick up on where it was most needed by the person I was channeling it to.
I think being able to use Reiki on myself is one of my main interests. I want to see if it really does have an impact on various health problems. Is it a case of mind does affect body or is it a case of ' it is just air'. I know that the Reiki treatments I have received have helped me but I am interested to see if I am able to create the same effect on myself.
Following the pathway of a Spiritual Journey. In search of Angels.
About Me

- Promisesnprayers
- A beautiful place, A beautiful country
- I am an Empath who also has the ability to 'know' things. This is very random as yet but I am gradually learning to control it
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