I read angels cards for people. They always seem to be so insightful, so correct for the person for whom I read them. Whatever the question that is asked of the angels, no matter who it is for, the angels always provide what is needed.
I feel it so humbling that someone from another country can contact me, give me nothing but a name and a question and when I give them the reading they contact me again to tell me that what the message contained related to their situation so exactly and yet it is a situation that I had no knowledge of at all, no way of finding out beforehand. It is truely awe inspiring how Heaven works.
We all have Angels to watch over us but how many of us have actually stopped long enough to invite them into our lives. I picture them sitting around tables, playing cards until one of us suddenly asks them for help. Angels love to help us, they love to make our paths smoother. It doesn't mean that they will make our lives all perfect, with everything in the garden all rosey. No, that is not their purpose. We are here on this earth to learn our lessons and the angels are here to help us. We all have free will so it means that we don't always listen to the voice of our angels as they try and guide us to do what is right. Heaven does give us choices and those choices will lead us down the path revealed once we have chosen. The angels will guide us and help us all they can but we have to listen for they won't and don't force us to do anything against our will. The buck stops firmly with us. They will and do support us , providing us with unconditional love at the same time. Why not invite the angels into your life and see the difference.
All angels have names, from the unusual to the down right homely. My angel is called John. Sit in peace and quiet and ask your angel to come into your life. Ask his/her name and listen intently for you will hear a name either in your head or it will be a name that keeps coming up - in songs, in conversations, books. Speak to your angel using his/her name and always thank them in advance for their help. And help they do, from finding you a parking space where none is apparent to reminding you to take the pie out of the oven before it burns to far more serious matters. Ask them and thank them and enjoy what they will bring to your life.
Following the pathway of a Spiritual Journey. In search of Angels.
About Me

- Promisesnprayers
- A beautiful place, A beautiful country
- I am an Empath who also has the ability to 'know' things. This is very random as yet but I am gradually learning to control it
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