It has been a hard few days and I have felt myself slipping downwards into my 'pit' as a result. Worry about things that are past and can not be altered is a waste of energy and spirit. I had an 'Angel Message' in the form of a quote in Sasa's blog. I do believe there is no such thing as coincidence. Everything is sychronistic as Jung has said.
I attended my Spiritual group meeting as always last night and was uplifted for a time whilst I was there. We discussed many things ; palmistry , dream interpretation and the decoding of messages received. I am up for dream translating next month . It is always something that has drawn me but I am wary of translating dreams for others. I am told that I need to overcome this particular hurdle and to use my gifts. B is forever reminding us that we have been blessed with certain gifts and, as such, are duty bound to share them with others. To exchange the energies as she puts it. It is not that I am not happy to use my skills for others, I am , but it is the fear of peoples' reactions to what we share. People will willingly accept the use of certain gifts but others scare them and so those of us who possess this gifts prefer to hide them away and let them become rusty through lack of use.
Following the pathway of a Spiritual Journey. In search of Angels.
About Me

- Promisesnprayers
- A beautiful place, A beautiful country
- I am an Empath who also has the ability to 'know' things. This is very random as yet but I am gradually learning to control it
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