I sat in circle and it was really a most amazing experience. For those who don't know what I mean, it is a spiritual circle. Usually it is people who have the necessary gifts needed to be clairvoyants ( mediums if you prefer) . I was there for them to practice their readings and I was fortunate in receiving a message from my dearest GEF. I miss him so very much and this is month contains the anniversary of his passing. It gave me so much comfort to get the message which awed me with it's accuracy. And for the sceptics reading this, and yes I used to be one myself, he gave me a memory link to something that only he and I knew about. He spoke of the coming changes in my life , the path I was following and the things I dreamed of. All was too accurate to be 'just a lucky guess'. Yes there are charlatans out there who get rich on other peoples grief but there truly are those out there will the real gift which they use in love and not for personal gain. I never use my gifts for anything but the highest good , I seek no personal gain , I just wish to share the gift in the hope it gives healing to those who need it. Nothing in heaven is random , all happens as it should , when it should and for why it should.
May you all be blessed.
Following the pathway of a Spiritual Journey. In search of Angels.
About Me

- Promisesnprayers
- A beautiful place, A beautiful country
- I am an Empath who also has the ability to 'know' things. This is very random as yet but I am gradually learning to control it
Wow, beautiful slideshow and a wonderful message. :-)
ReplyDeleteThank you. Nature is a source of incredible beauty. I wish I had the gift of artistry so that I could capture it.