Had another meeting at my spiritual group last night and was very fortunate to get a message from Spirit. Again I was told of the addition to the family and that it would be a boy. Very correct. Also that I was going to be taking a long journey and would connect with family. That I am well and truly on the right spiritual path but I must be patient. I am so eager to learn but it won't happen all at once for me. Spirit is also pushing the fact I need to progress with my healing work. The date is set for my Reiki 2 and I continue to work as a counsellor.
I have had some very 'random' things happening lately but then , nothing in Heaven is random 8-). I all of a sudden connected with a medium who had done the reading for me that set me on this path. FB has a lot to answer for. Her name appeared as being a mutual friend but when I checked, this is not so. Heaven is at work.
Be Blessed.
Following the pathway of a Spiritual Journey. In search of Angels.
About Me

- Promisesnprayers
- A beautiful place, A beautiful country
- I am an Empath who also has the ability to 'know' things. This is very random as yet but I am gradually learning to control it
can you please do an angel card reading and let me know about if i can forgive those who deeply hurt me years ago?
ReplyDeleteI would be honored to do one for you. I do six card readins so it it quite long. Would you like me to post it here for you? I will try and do it today if I can.
Be Blessed
Sure, posting here would work. Thank you
ReplyDeleteok. I got behind yesterday so I will be doing it today for sure. Watch this space.
Be Blessed
Great News,
ReplyDeleteThank you for the honor of doing a reading for you.
As I began your reading I felt that you were in an agitated state but the feelings calmed as I continued the reading. I sense the angels are with you and you are in the protective care of Archangel Raphael who will help you heal. The angels say you have been worrying too much lately. You often use negative words affirmations regarding yourself and your situation They want you to be aware of what you think, feel and say as you are often too negative and this negativity is blocking your transition into a positive manifestation.
The angels tell me that you are highly sensitive and compassionate and because of this you have absorbed negative toxins from the fears of others or your own past fears. The angels ask you to release your fears to them and let them shoulder the pain for you. Ask Archangel Michael to clear the toxic, fear based energies from you.
The angels say you are intuitive and also that you are a ‘Crystal’ child, gentle, soft-spoken and love the beauty of nature.
Negativity connected to a past relationship is interfering with the situation you are enquiring about. Archangel Michael is with you and will help you cut the cords that are tying you to this situation. He asks that you visualise him cutting with his sword, the silver cords attached between you and the past situation that is causing you such distress and pain. He will severe all those cords for you, releasing you from past pain and allowing you to move forward and heal. Be willing for him to do this for you. He will not cut any cords of love. Be willing to trade all pain for peace.
The angels are trying to help you with the topic of your question by urging you to heal anger related to your past experiences and relationships. This old anger has become a barrier to attracting your desires, as well as a magnet that attracts similar situations to your side. This is a very important message and your little bit of willingness to forgive is all that’s required. You don’t need to forgive the action that occurred in your past, you simply need to be willing to allow the angels to help clear away the toxic poison of unforgiveness from your heart and mind. You will trade pain for peace. Just say ‘Archangel Raphael, I am willing to forgive (name of person, organisation, and group) and release all stored up anger from my physical, mental and emotional bodies. I am willing to release pain, in exchange for peace.
I hope this helps you. It is all the angels showed me for you today. I closed your reading with a sense of peace.
In Love and Light.
Be Blessed.
Thank you for your detailed reading. I appreciate it.
ReplyDeleteYou are welcome :-) I hope it helps.
ReplyDeleteIt does help, but it is a lot to process. I am starting to let go of some of my anger, but I still feel justice must be served. Once I work through my anger over the events that have affected me so much, I hope to bring my information to the appropriate parties to get justice for myself & for others.
ReplyDeleteThanks again:)
. It is a lot to process, the angels clearly had quite a message for you. They will help and support you, you only have to ask and trust :-)Once you are open to the release of anger, healing will happen. It doesn't mean we must not be anger, it means we stop burying it inside us where it festers. By letting it out and dealing with the issues it raises, one by one, we can start whatever process is needed to come to a state of peace. For you this will be the justice and acknowledgement of the events that have affected you so deeply. Once you have finally got what you seek, you will heal and be at peace. You will be in my heart and prayers that you achieve this state.
ReplyDeleteThank you for your comments - I think you may be right about some things, and I will think carefully about your words. Be Blessed.