I learn more and more as I sit in Circle. And I have become hungry! The more I learn, the more I want to know. There is so much out there that I would love to have the answers to.
After the prayers that start our journey together, we do meditiation. I thought I would never let my mind quieten enough to do this but I am getting so much better . In my last meditation, my darling love came to me and I could see him so clearly, hear his voice and feel his touch. He was so real. It was wonderful to talk to him. He told me he had the answers I was searching for , all of them. He also told me that I needed to find them for myself and that I would be guided, to trust my guide and my angels. Then he smiled and was gone. I miss him so much from my life but know he is safe and happy where he is and, when Heavenly Father wills it, we will be together once more.
There was much talk of the gifts Heavenly Father has given us and their correct use. That we must work on the Spiritual laws. The last one, of unconditional love, will be the hardest to follow. In my next post I shall list the laws and say which ones I am working on , then I can post my successes and failures.
Be Blessed.
Following the pathway of a Spiritual Journey. In search of Angels.
About Me

- Promisesnprayers
- A beautiful place, A beautiful country
- I am an Empath who also has the ability to 'know' things. This is very random as yet but I am gradually learning to control it
Wow, so wonderful. Peace. :-)